Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Connections : What if it's just you?

What if it's just you?

By: Ambrea Curry 

"I was born alone, and I will die alone" a quote I'm sure you've heard before right? If you haven't...soon you will. Some may think that statement is a statement that comes from a lonely or hurt state of mind or from someone who may have been hurt many times by ones they've loved and consequently, put up a wall to keep out further hurt. To a certain extent I agree, however I happen to believe that adapting that mind set can be, some what, a safe guard against feelings of loneliness in a season of isolation. In life we go through seasons of isolation, when you feel detached from everyone and everything..the people you look to are not there, and the people you look for are nowhere near. Is that God's way of getting your attention, or is it the devils way of trying to get ahold of your mind? Could it be both? Perhaps.....well let's look at it this way....Isolation is good when God is allowing you to go through it to birth new things in you. It is in those quiet times that God speaks to you, directs you, gives you news ideas, and can even clarify a few things for you. When you're most vulnerable and spiritually weak, God is there to restore you and help you grow. In these times loneliness can also creep in, which is when the devil tries to wreck havoc in your mind. In the lonely times you can become bitter when thinking about the people who are not "there" in your life.....people who you've placed such high values on...that might not deserve value at all....that's when the walls go up, and the mind set "I was born alone, and I'll die alone" comes in. You may shut people out to prove you don't need them, which proves you need them more. Remember, a friend of mine says this often, "God loves through people and though you may think you don't need them, everybody needs somebody" and I believe that wholeheartedly, but if God needs to silence some things to get your attention he will. All in all be happy with those "alone" but not lonely, isolating  times. God is near, he's preparing you for something greater, he's ridding some things in you, and he's restoring damaged parts of you! Be okay with just you! 

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