Tuesday, July 7, 2015

A Mommy Minute: Traveling with a Toddler

By: Jessica Byrd

I'm sure everyone enjoyed their Fourth of July weekend! This weekend my family and I decided to take our first family vacation to Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. We had a ball!! I was super nervous on the plane ride, which was a struggle for my one year old on the way there. The internet for some reason didn't work and he was just too active for a hour and a half plane ride with no iPad. It was a headache and I felt bad for the passengers around us.

On the way back i decided to look up some tips on traveling with a toddler and they worked! One tip that really worked was tiring your toddlers out before the plane ride so they are sleepy on the plane. That's exactly what I did! Instead of trying to keep my one-year-old in the stroller at the airport, I literally let him have a free for all! I let him run around by an open gate, play and look out the windows, and by the time we were on the plane he was super tired. As for my daughter I found a good movie on the tablet and she was all set!

As for the trip itself, we did everything from going to the water park, to going to the Aquarium, and to the beach -- we had so much fun. One thing I would say is make sure your little ones still get their naps. If they fell asleep in the car while we drove down to the beach, we let them catch up on their rest so they were full of energy for our next adventure (nothing is more stressful then a tired toddler!).

In other news I am so excited for The Mom's Club Summer Play Date coming up! If you're interested in attending make sure to send me an email!

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Jessica M. Byrd is the parent of a two and one year old. 
She is the founder of Metro Detroit Mom's Club and believes 
every mother should live a life on purpose! 

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