By: Jessica Byrd
This particular blog is for all the struggling mothers of toddles as myself. As mentioned before I'm trying to work on my patience with my children but one thing I have very low tolerance for is whining and crying to get your way. My favorite line to my children is "use your words" I'm trying to teach my children to communicate their needs instead of crying, especially my soon to be three year old. She sees her brother crying and tires to follow suit! NO way! Here is one example of me expressing the importance of using your words to my daughter;
My daughter usually holds herself in the morning and cries. I know she has to use the bathroom so when I walk in her room I say, "Lailah do you have to potty" sometimes she's still whining, I say "ok Lailah I'll come back when you tell mom what you want" of course their is a possibility that she could potty on herself but thank god she hasn't. When I walk back in the room she usually says, "mommy I have to potty" I would then say, "thank you for using your words Lailah, you're such a big girl! I usually give her praise ask for a high five and she's usually a happy camper. I am repeating this praise over and over until she learns that using your words is the best way to communicate your needs!
My son on the other hand is a little younger, he will be two in December but I'm starting the same routine with him. Especially when he cries for milk, I usually stop him in his tears and say, "do you want milk"? He says yes and I reply "how do you ask mommy for milk like a big boy" he usually says "milk please" and I praise him! Of Course there are times when their both way too frustrated and crying is the easier answer for them, but for the most part mommy is teaching them this is a use your words zone!
Make sure you're teaching your toddlers to use their words and not answering to their every cry without properly explaining how to ask for things and use their words! It's a process but they need to learn how to communicate.
*This weekend was a park weekend we celebrated some friends birthday and went to the park both days!
As promised, I was going to keep you guys updated on my children's school. I took Lailah out of Childtime which I believe was awesome for when she was 1-2 years old but as she transitioning into her pre preschool years (she will be three in November) I want her to attend a school environment. She will be starting Early Impressions this September! I am excited for her to attend a big girl school but nervous, as any parent would be. You can't start this school until you're two so my son will be starting January 1st (his birthday is December 31st) I will keep you guys posted about the school!
Jessica M. Byrd is the parent of a two and one year old.
She is the founder of Metro Detroit Mom's Club and believes
every mother should live a life on purpose!
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