In honor of my daughter’s birthday this month, I decided to talk about celebrating our little ones birthday! Yes, I am one of those moms who goes above and beyond for my children’s birthday, however this year, I’ve decided to take another approach. One significant goal for me as approaching 30 next year is to become financial stable. So that means no more $300 parties for my little ones every year, maybe milestones but not every year! And yes, I have spent $300 on my children’s parties at the mere age of one and two years old. I love celebrations and I just can’t let a birthday go by without celebrating but this year we’re inviting close family and friends to a special outing then singing happy birthday at our home! I want to share with you a couple mistakes I’ve made through this whole birthday planning extravaganza.
- 1st birthday parties should be at home!!! So many people told me this, but I wanted to do it my way. I must admit my son’s first birthday party at My Little Gym was awesome, but we celebrated my daughter's birthday at Chuck E Cheese, and in my opinion, it’s no place for a one year old!! If I could do it all over, I would save booking a place for at least the second birthday, and celebrate their first birthday at home with family and close friends. Let’s be honest, our children won’t remember at this age, and this birthday party is really more about you than anyone else. If you don’t want to do it at home, try a small outing, but please don’t make the mistake I did spending almost $300 for two hours, and your child remembered nothing or better yet couldn’t even participate in the activities. Instead start your child’s college savings account and ask family members to contribute. Save opening the gifts and fancy locations for an age that your child really can remember and better yet enjoy!!
2. Cakes!!! I love fancy cakes, but again, if you can save a buck or two, I’m all for it!
With that being said, I think the easiest and most efficient treat for children’s parties are
cupcakes and bakeries are becoming really creative with cute ways to decorate cupcakes.
Last year, I even purchased cupcakes from Sam’s Club for my son’s party and everyone
raved about how good they were.
3. Choose a venue that suits your child not it’s attendees. This suggestion may sound a
little selfish, but if your child is turning 3, laser tag might not be a good choice. For me,
birthdays are all about the birthday boy or girl, if we become too consumed with pleasing
our guest and trying to chose venues based on the people attending, then whose birthday
is it? I would chose a place that fits the birthday boy/girl and let the parent decide if they
want to bring their child. Now of course this is based around the majority of your
acquaintances because you don’t want an empty party either.
** In other news, I had a great time celebrating Halloween with my children. We did Trunk or Treat at my church, and then I had a crafts and arts Halloween party at my house. The children decorated their own pumpkin, it was a lot fun!!!
The Moms and Finance workshop is approaching and we only have 5 slots left. If interested in attending please send me an email at It will be held on November 14th from 2-4pm.
Jessica M. Byrd is the parent of a two and one year old.
She is the founder of Detroit Moms Rock and believes
every mother should live a life on purpose!
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