Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Back to Books

Me (left) and Tory (right) at the LOE pageant
Hey guys! So here's a little known fact about me: I have been a part of The Ladies of Excellence at my home church (Greater Emmanuel Inst. COGIC) for about 10 years and in 2007 (I think) I won first place at the GEI Ladies Of Excellence pageant. This is just one of the ministries I'm involved in at my church but it's one that I hold close to my heart. Over the years, LOE has taught me many things like etiquette, professional skills, and countless spiritual concepts to apply to young womanhood. Recently, LOE has pushed me, yet again, into accomplishing one of my personal goals.

This could be just me but this year is FLYING by! Yesterday was the first of September which means we're officially in the last quarter of the year with just 118 days left until 2016 and I've been thinking heavily about the goals, accomplished and unaccomplished, that I set for myself at the beginning of this year and trying to find ways to refine and revamp those goals. What a coincidence that in yesterday's LOE meeting, our Chairlady gave us an assignment to write down some short term goals that we could accomplish by the end of the year and as a group we discussed how we would actually accomplish them. Here's my list:

My 7 Short Term Goals:
1. Lose 35 lbs (Hence my previous attempt to run the Joe Louis stairs pray my strength lol)
2. Add more to my savings account
3. Read 3 Books
4. Finalize all business plans
5. Become more organized
6. Write more for leisure (CREATE)
7. Get a mentor

These goals are a few of the things I need to do to make sure 2016 is as productive as possible. Some will take the entire 3 months (like those 35 lbs -____-)  and some will be accomplished a little more easily ( like reading 3 books). Reading more is always on my list of things to do and my LOE sisters helped me jump start that accomplishment last night. I wrote a post in August encouraging you guys to Revamp Your Reading List based on Relevant Magazine's list of books to read by 25(ish) and after my sisters helped me narrow down which 3 books I'd be reading by the end of the year, I definitely plan to share some of my favorite titles with you!

I've decided to tackle a Finance book, a novel, and a spiritual enhancement book to meet my 3 book goal. I started reading The Man Time Forgot by Isaiah Winler, a book that chronicles the creation of TIME Magazine, but I never finished it so I'll be picking that up again. I'm taking a trip to Barnes & Noble Friday to find my Finance and Spiritual enhancement books so if you guys have any suggestions for titles, drop them in the comments and tell me why it's your favorite!


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