Please let me begin with a disclaimer: my blog in no shape or form is suggesting that you need to have children for structure, this is just my experience.
Let me introduce you to my life before children. I did what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it and that was all to it. This spilled into my career as well, I knew I only had one person to take of which was me. So I never took work seriously, I came and gone as I please, my whole mindset was, "I'm not working in my desired career so whatever!" The max I would stay at a job was 1 year and it was an accomplishment if I made it that long.
I didn't work out, and I pretty much ate whatever I wanted, and going out was of the norm. Boy has my life changed!
Now let me be honest, at first I wasn't willing to accept my life wasn't the same. I wanted to do the same things and sometimes at night when my children were asleep and my husband was at work, resentment would come staring at me face to face.
After a while I started to embrace this new life and it really affected me in a positive way! It took me literally two years to get structure within myself and it really does make for a more peaceful day. My mornings used to be my daughter waking me up, me rolling over super tired, leaving out for work and taking my daughter to school super late and talks with my boss about my hours.
Well.. My daughter started a new school and she has to be there on time for Circle Time, this consequently helped me with structure. The reason I couldn't get up in the mornings was because I stayed up late enjoying my only "me time". Someone told me about working out in the mornings instead of after work when you can easily forget about it. I searched a boot camp Groupon and started working out at 5:45-6:30 am in the mornings, come home, make my daughter breakfast, and we"re out the door by 8:15. I found my "me time" in the mornings working out and plus I'm getting fit! Win win situation!
In addition, I had to learn proper eating habits for my children, so we rarely and I mean rarely eat fast food. I am now becoming best friends with the crock pot, and meal preparation during the week.
Weekends, both of my children have activities in the mornings so I have to develop a routine for Saturday mornings to get my daughter to dance at 9:45 and my son to soccer, starting in October.
I am really learning the importance of structure and structure takes discipline. This has really helped me personally because I am going from a always tired and exhausted mommy to learning about balance and preparation to be a happier mommy and wife. I'm still learning but as of now I am very pleased with myself, pats myself on the back (moms learn how to do that, there's no awards for this job!)
In other news: my daughter first week at her new school was amazing, she cried the first day and didn't cry since! My son will start the same school once he turns two.
I can't wait for the Moms Club Meet and greet this Saturday!
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Jessica M. Byrd is the parent of a two and one year old.
She is the founder of Metro Detroit Mom's Club and believes every mother should live a life on purpose! |
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